2022 was a shit year for the most part but improved significantly towards the end: new job, new car, my coming out… and without a doubt the best gift of all, adopting my little Mochi.
She’s approximately four years old and went through several homes, so it was important to give her a forever home that would be loving, quiet and secure. To the pleasant surprise of the shelter folks, who thought it would take her time to trust someone again after all these setbacks, she adopted me immediately, coming for pets, purring, exploring, and being overall playful and confident around the flat after just a few days. January 2nd marks three months with her and I couldn’t be happier. I love her to bits, she’s the sweetest cat you could imagine. It took me ten years to be ready to adopt again after losing Gally, and I guess that’s how much time the world needed to to find her a worthy successor! Well, we found each other, at last, and I feel incredibly lucky about that.
So thank you 2022, you still sucked… but you weren’t all bad.