“The Kerguelen Cat” is LIVE!

The day has come! It’s my great pleasure to announce the launch of “The Kerguelen Cat” today, the second adventure of Yann Vatel.

Set a year after the events of “The Dragon Run”, TKC finds our hero in Bombay, where the Ascalon Circle uncovers a plot that could put the entire Allied forces in peril. Caught between a formidable foe and unlikely alliances, Yann embarks on a series of events that will put him on his most dangerous flight.

Get it now on Amazon (ebook & paperback): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08BLKM6K4/

Download the “Planes of Ascalon” companion PDF: http://www.raphaelrelat.net/downloads/tkc/poa_vol2.pdf

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