war stories – chronicles of an uncertain war


The Uncertain War – Deschamp’s Last Stand

Another story build upon the foundations laid out by Luigi.



Hi everyone, gather around the camp fire, it’s time for some storytelling 🙂

My friend Luis “Luigi” Alvarez and I are engaged in a little writing spree of “microstories”, ultra-short little tales that may or may not reference each other and it’s been a lot of fun, so much that it’s leaving Facebook and coming here for your reading pleasure! Last year, I created a small compilation of our work so far which comprised 6 microstories:

volume one

(Cover illustration courtesy of Luigi lui-même!)

We followed up with a purpose-built Volume 2 around themes of duality: Black/White

Check it out by clicking the pic below:

volume two

Enjoy! 🙂



I just passed the 10,000 word mark on the current WIP. Yay!

For this occasion, I will share a bit more about it.


In 1938, a French pilot is hired by British MI6 to ferry a scientist from Stockholm to London before his discoveries can be tapped by German intelligence. With hostile forces on their heels and war brewing, will they manage to fly to safety in time?

I plan to hit 60k by the end of November, with a projected final wordcount of maybe 80 to 100… The goal is to finish the first draft by the end of 2015, let it sit for a bit, then start the editing process in February.

Work In Progress


After a long hiatus I have restarted work on two long-term writing projects, the first a SF novel set in the universe that contains the spaceship Freylia, this very website’s namesake,  and the second a historical spy story set in 1938 that I’ve been planning for a good while.

I don’t know yet if I can work on both concurrently,  so I’ll have to commit to one or the other pretty soon I believe. I  have a little over 70k words written on the SF side, significantly more than the other, so that’s that…

We’ll see. I think it’s time for this universe to blossom in full and get to publishing stage.

the Cat Pack — “Miss Pick Up”


This series of posts will retrace a few of the surviving airworthy (or close) PBYs around the world, and their history.

If there’s one bird I know well, that would be G-PBYA, a.k.a. “Miss Pick Up”, the white bird of Duxford where she’s being lovingly maintained by the dedicated crew of The Catalina Society. This aircraft was the first (and come to think of it, to date, the only) Catalina I saw “for real”, when they visited Barcelona for the Festa al Cel airshow in 2010. I saw it again two years later at the flying-boats/floatplanes meeting in Biscarrosse where it displayed how graceful it can be on water. For my third visit, it turned out she had something special in store.

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G-PBYA – detail
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G-PBYA – detail

As some of you may know, I’ve been collaborating this year on a special project called the Féria de l’Air, an airshow in Nîmes, southern France. This airshow took place last week on the 26th-27th of September, and G-PBYA was there, and I had the immense privilege not just of getting another tour, given by crew chief David Legg, whom I had the pleasure to meet at last, but also to fly aboard as a passenger during one of their rehearsal flights.

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G-PBYA – running
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G-PBYA – in flight

G-PBYA (CV-283) was built in 1943 in Cartierville, Québec, by Canadian Vickers for the Royal Canadian Air Force. This makes it a Canso A, which is a variant of the US Navy PBY-5A. After a long life in military and civilian service, it is now a regular sight on the European airshow circuit, where it flies in the colors of a wartime USAAF OA-10A Catalina 44-33915 of the 8th Air Force 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron at Halesworth, Suffolk.

Here’s a small, somewhat shaky video of my flight on this beautiful bird, with tremendous thanks to all the people involved:

Full album of the airshow available soon!

New website!


Check out the new looks! Freylia Studios has been completely redesigned to account for recent changes and updates, with new photos and designs sections filled with recent material. I also bit the bullet and decided to create Freylia Studios’s official Facebook page as well.

Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think!

the Cat Pack — N85U


This series of posts will retrace a few of the surviving airworthy (or close) PBYs around the world, and their history.

N85U is no more.

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The last active Catalina waterbomber has been destroyed. The Cyclone-powered PBY-6A, which spent the last few decades based in Washington state, fighting forest fires, had been hired to appear in the upcoming Nicolas Cage war movie “Indianapolis”, when it was beached two days after its arrival there due to a leak. A misfortune for sure after spending months refurbishing and repainting the plane for its movie appearance. But the worst was still to come…

The plane was completely salvageable, although all the electronics were probably totalled, however the recovery turned to a complete disaster when the misuse of a crane destroyed the fuselage, leaving N85U a three-part wreck.

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the crime scene

It is especially infuriating and frustrating to see such criminal incompetence as PBYs do have a hoisting point on top of the wing for precisely the kind of lift that was required. Wrong tools and unfamiliar crews can make a dangerous combination… A very sad, completely avoidable accident, and the end of one of the most iconic planes in the USA.

Flying Legends 2015


I have just returned from Duxford’s Flying Legends airshow and it was such a splendid experience that I find it difficult to put to words. For a week-end, I spent time in the 1940s, listening to Glen Miller tunes sung by the delightful Manhattan Dolls, photographing Spitfires, Warhawks and Mustangs, visiting Sally B., the last flying B17 in Europe and then hear her roar above my head, and even taking a ride in a 1943 DH.89 Dragon Rapide.

To make it short, I had a flipping grand old time.

Here’s a small sample of pictures taken at the airshow. More to come as they are ready, enjoy!

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Flying Legends 2015




Happy New Year everyone!

So yeah, guess what, I’m working on clearing the daunting 2014 backlog both in writing and photos, so that I can focus on proper 2015 planning and events. I haven’t even taken last August’s US rolls to the shop yet (Ouch). Regarding the site itself, I’m thinking that it might be a good idea to have a wholly dedicated travels section now, actually, what with 4 travel blogs either published or in the works, and more to come… so I’ll probably do that.

So, stay tuned for news and check the site every now and then, not all changes might be announced 🙂

Cheers and fly safe!


the Cat Pack — 35 years

Philippe Cousteau, Sr.
Philippe Cousteau, Sr. piloting the PBY-6A N101CS

This Cat Pack entry is a special one, as today marks the 35th anniversary of the tragic death of famed explorer and adventurer Philippe Cousteau, Sr.

N101CS on water
PBY-6A N101CS “Flying Calypso”

Cousteau was piloting his newly refurbished PBY-6A N101CS on June 28th 1979 for a trial run on the Tagus river in Portugal, after an extensive period of maintenance. As the crew was performing a high-speed taxi to test for leaks, suddently the great plane nosed over and cartwheeled. One of the wings was ripped off, its engine separated from the structure with the propeller slicing through the cockpit. The copilot lost an arm, Cousteau was killed instantly. He was the only fatality in the accident.

N101CS crash scene - wing
N101CS crash scene – wing

The cause of the accident has never been clearly determined. The prevailing theory at the time was that the plane hit a hidden sandbar or coral reef that the crew couldn’t detect and avoid in time. Some point at a nose wheel door failure, a notorious weakness of the PBY amphibians that caused many similar accidents. Finally, others point at pilot error, theorizing that the crew imprudently let the plane go into a vicious porpoise and didn’t realize it until it was too late.

N101CS crash scene - cockpit
N101CS crash scene – cockpit

Philippe was the son and heir-apparent of explorer and pioneer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. An accomplished diver, sailor and pilot, he followed his father’s footsteps and explored the seas with him on the famous vessel Calypso, and later acquired the PBY flying-boat to reach the places they could not reach by sea. With it, the Cousteau team had completed an extensive survey of the Nile river a few months before. He was 38 at the time of the crash.

To finish this note on a bit of a bright side, his children Alexandra Cousteau and Philippe Cousteau, Jr. picked up the family tradition, and co-founded the organization EarthEcho International, dedicated to raise awareness on environmental issues.

“I’ll never be able to fill my father’s or grandfather’s shoes, but hopefully I can stand on their shoulders and reach farther.”
–Philippe Cousteau Jr.

Not to worry. With such an heritage, you’re doing great.

Philippe Cousteau (December 30, 1940 – June 28, 1979)
Philippe Cousteau (December 30, 1940 – June 28, 1979)
photograph by Bill McDonald, 1975