The German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis delivered a decisive blow to British intelligence in 1940, then stopped at Kerguelen in December that year. These real events inspired “The Kerguelen Cat”, part 2 of the Ascalon Circle. It’s currently in development, as I gear up for the launch of “The Dragon Run” November 1st!
In focus: Atlantis
2020.07.22Drum roll please…!
2020.06.24Time for some exciting announcements!
First, I’m overjoyed to announce that The Dragon Run finally got a release date! The Kindle edition is now available for pre-order on Amazon, with a paperback version to follow very soon.
When will it be ready? Well, I’m glad you asked! The book will be released November 1st, 2020!
Secondly, a book would be nothing without… a cover! And it is my immense pleasure to share with you the TDR cover below:
The bold yet minimalist style is meant to call back to the golden age of pulp spy/adventure stories. What do you think? Does it work?
Finally, as part of the redesign that I mentioned in my previous post, I’m sharing today the launch of my dedicated author website,
This new site will become the main hub for writing-related news, release dates and updates on the Ascalon Circle series and other works. Hope to see you there!
Well, that’s all I got for you today. Hope the post-lockdown is going well for everyone and until next time!
The Cat Pack — “La Bruja de la Mancha” N24VP (Part Deux)
2020.06.05This series of posts will retrace a few of the surviving airworthy (or close) PBYs around the world, and their history.
As you recall, back in August 2018, I had the immense pleasure and privilege to check out and even climb aboard N24VP. To this day the PBY is still in Ocaña waiting for its first flight in many years, after several setbacks that left it wanting for two new engines… And the pandemic currently circling the globe didn’t help…
However, this long overdue post is to present at last the small videos I took at the beginning of my visit, before the owners arrived. I did a 360° walkaround to present the plane, its history and features.
Here is is below, I hope you like it:
Spring cleaning
2020.05.0151st day of lockdown here. If you’re reading this, I hope you’re safe wherever you are!
I am going to be refreshing the website over the next week or so to bring it up to date and such, so this is a heads up in case you see anything not working or missing on the main site, it should be temporary.
However, I have end-of-lifed several subdomains and other folders that previously contained downloads and other gaming-related content. This was deliberate as I move the site towards other priorities.
getting closer
2020.03.09I *may* have found the one…
Stay tuned. Things may take a turn!
New project: Terra Nostrum (thriller)
2019.11.01So since I’m never still and always start shit before finishing something else, I need to unload a new idea that’s been on my mind for a while so that I can continue with the rest. The tentatively called Terra Nostrum is a techno-thriller starring an Interpol Task Force that faces an unprecedented terrorist threat in the Mediterranean.
I could summarize the plot as “Speed 2 meets Rainbow Six”, and I’m very definitely going for a Tom Clancy-kind of vibe with a few twists and plot items that will hopefully, if published, put it a notch above the competition. Time will tell. I’ll keep these under wrap for now, of course.
Current word count: 1,956 words
That’s a better start than last year, for sure.
Ink Therapy
2019.09.01For a multitude of reasons, the summer of 2019 was a pretty intense one for me, and one of the things I did to try and cope with it was getting back to writing. I set to write at least one micro-story or poem every single day, based on a one-word prompt posted on Twitter by #vss365. I called them my “ink therapy”.
Here are a few; I hope you like these little children of mine. Some are silly, some are grotesque, some chew the scenery with dramatic gusto… It was a lot of fun and it helped me get back on my feet.
And that’s pretty swell, if you ask me.
Summer viewing
2019.08.22Earlier this month, I watched Zardoz – The 1974 “Sean Connery in red diapers with suspenders, a pornstache and a gun” flick – And you know what? I was very pleasantly surprised, in fact. Without going so far as to call it good, it’s certainly not the turd it’s often ridiculed as, dealing with themes that resonate a lot today, world collapse, class division, exploitation, false beliefs… even if all this is VERY muddled by the fact Boorman was clearly high as a kite when he wrote and directed it. It’s not a movie that leaves you indifferent, for sure, and I would say it’s one of these movies that would probably benefit from a proper remake, of all things. And I’m not a fan of today’s trend of useless remakes. So yeah, I do recommend it to anyone with an interest in sci-fi, it’s totally worth checking out.
Over the past week, I’ve (re)watched quite a few other gems.
Blue Thunder – 1983 action thriller with Roy Scheider and Malcolm McDowell, one of my favourite movies when I was younger. I’m a sucker for good air-to-air action and the helicopter sequences in this one are perfect. It also still resonates today, what with the entire “big brother surveillance is bad” theme. Can’t get tired of it, still a great flick.
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw – Yeah I went there! It’s got The Rock, Jason Statham, Idris Elba and Vanessa Kirby, and I’ll watch anything with the last two. It’s stupid, it’s unrealistic, and it’s ludicrous fun. I had a very good time, and I’m glad I went, because a few hours later I watched…
The Room – The infamous Tommy Wiseau assemblage he called a movie. A lot’s been said about this. Watching this one was hard. HARD. It’s impossible to really explain in human terms how utterly bizarre and abysmally bad this movie is, it’s fascinating. The nadir of movies. I know it’s got a cult following, but I for one am pretty sure I’ll never, ever watch this thing again.
The Pumaman – 1980 superhero movie. Think Iron Man. Think Avengers: Endgame. Flip that around and imagine their complete opposite. Whatever you imagine, multiply that by about 1,000, and you may get how utterly, hilariously bad L’Uomo Puma is. Surfing on the Superman craze, it’s got atrocious special effects, actors that can’t act their way out of a paper bag, and Donald Pleasence, who probably needed the check to refit his kitchen or something.
The Matrix, The Animatrix, The Matrix Reloaded & The Matrix Revolutions – Need no introduction. I’ve been wanting to revisit the Matrix universe for a while, especially after the sisters came out, and boy this is fascinating. Of course, there’s the whole messianic Jesus parallel that’s obvious, but it’s very interesting to see all the discourse again about living two lives and killing one to become the other through the trans lens, right from the first movie, and that obsession with mirrors and reflections that don’t always show what they seem. The end of the subway scene, when paralleled with Lana’s personal struggle, is probably the most powerful trans affirmation statement in cinema. I totally have a newfound respect for this movie, it’s so subtly layered it blew my mind again, twenty years after…
Animatrix being a compilation is a different beast, but it’s interesting that Program has two characters called “Cis” and “Duo” battling each other, and I wonder if that’s intentional. My favourite remains A Detective Story, I just love the noir aesthetic and the Alice in Wonderland references that call back to the first movie.
I cannot not take Reloaded and Revolutions separately as they’re so clearly two halves of the same movie, and they pretty much abandon the whole identity angle to focus on the themes of choice vs determinism, without daring to go all the way. It’s very frustrating. I still absolutely love the Merovingian, can’t help it but this pompous fuck is a goddamn gem, sadly underutilized in the third. Great themes, lots of questions but in the end they pull a Lost and barely answer anything…
Interestingly, I didn’t dislike the sequels as much this time around, though I wouldn’t go so far as calling them good. They’re certainly very flawed, and Revs is much more linear and shallow. Maybe because this time I knew what I was getting into, I don’t know. They’re a missed opportunity for sure.
Speed Racer – That was a fun, but so fucking confusing at times… I knew it was a SFX fest but I didn’t expect two full hours in the Acid-Trip Dimension, holy shit. The small kid and the monkey were obnoxiously annoying but once I settled with the fact that it was pretty much a live cartoon, I let all expectations of realism fly out the window and overall I didn’t have a bad time. Glad I watched it.
2018.12.02NaNoWriMo ’18 result: No win this year… Only 5,871 words on Kerguelen Cat (buuuh!) but on the plus side, a refined outline with clearer plot points (yaaay!), and a better look at several things I’ll need to fix in Dragon Run.
Because writing didn’t stop yesterday.