It’s never too late


As we reach the middle of this Transgender Awareness Week, today marks two anniversaries: two years since I started transitioning and one year since I came out socially. To say that I was fortunate would be a vast understatement: the reactions from my family, friends and colleagues have been and continue to be overwhelmingly positive, and my now-not-so-new job (another one year anniversary!) has been incredibly supportive and kind.

Even though I regained the pounds I lost during that first year (I’m working on it okay?), I have never felt so in tune with my body and my feelings. Everything feels “right”. I won’t say there are no ups and downs, no moments of doubt, no occasional dip into darkness… but I increasingly come out of these stronger and more determined to stay the course, because I know it’s the correct one. I look in the mirror now and I see me, the real me, no longer a glimpse from the corner of my eye, but real and defiant and looking back, as if to ask what’s next.

What’s next? I don’t know. But the journey so far has been profoundly validating and meaningful, and joyful too. And to be able to share this joy and validation, and my deep gratitude, during this week, is a privilege.

Thank you to all my family, friends, colleagues and allies who supported me, and support the community, in these uncertain years. You make a difference.

It’s never too late to be yourself.


Blue skies


It is with great sadness that I learned today that Bernard Chabbert had passed away, aged 78.

Chabbert was a legend in the European aviation scene, a pilot, a journalist and writer, but most of all an incredibly talented storyteller, and a staple of many airshows for decades, captivating crowds all over Europe with his stories, his anecdotes, his passion for flying machines and the men and women who build, maintain and pilot them.

Back in the 90’s, he created and presented a TV program called Pégase, and it was through this show that I learned about the incredible adventures of how the 747 and the Concorde came to be, or how some guy in Spain was building his own plane from scratch in his garage, that I discovered the Waco, probably the most stylish biplane ever made (the footage of a red Waco taking off from a grassy strip on a misty morning is burned in my memory…), that I watched gliders soar over the Alps, powered by nothing but wind and air pressure… and so many other things

I listened to him tell his stories in so many airshows… the Rassemblement International d’Hydravions de Biscarrosse show in 2012, Flying Legends at Duxford in 2015, our very own Féria de l’Air in Nîmes in 2015 which I helped organize, the Temps des Hélices at Ferté-Alais in 2018, Air Legends in Melun in 2021… But I only had the chance to meet him once, when he was signing, along with illustrator Romain Hugault, his book about Saint-Exupéry, at that last meeting in Melun, in 2021. It was, in every sense, like meeting a childhood hero. He signed my book and we exchanged a few words, then the same happened with Hugault, and I walked on clouds for the rest of the day. It’s no exaggeration to say that airshows won’t be the same without him.

I was hoping there would be more opportunities. I will cherish the one I did have.

Blue skies, Bernard. And thanks for the memories.

And the chrysalis opened…


So the secret’s out, at long last! No, this is not a joke. The time has finally come for the world to know.

My name is Rachel, I’m transgender. I have been quietly working on transitioning for several months now. What does this mean? It means that, while I was born with a boy’s body, I have always felt like a girl wearing an ill-fitting “boy-suit”. This is something that I’ve been feeling on some level for my entire life, even though it took me until my late 30s to realize what those feelings meant.

I won’t go into the details of transition, but starting HRT last year was a like a fog lifting after a dark night. It was as if I could suddenly see everything in a bright, clear new light. See in full, bright colors, after years of grey. I suddenly cared about my body and what I put into it, about my health, and appearance… I’m happier in my own skin now than I have ever been.

What does this mean going forward? Well, to start with, there will be the obvious adjustments in names and pronouns when talking to/referring to me. My name is Rachel Louise Relat. You can call me Rachel or just Chel, feel free to find whatever is most comfortable and easiest for you to adjust to. My pronouns are she/her.

Other than that, I’m pretty much the same person I’ve always been, just happier and more open about myself. I still like writing and photography and video games and reading and old planes and sailing. I’m still working on the Uncertain War trilogy and on the third book in the Ascalon series (and way behind schedule on both!). I’ll need a bit of time to get the listings updated on Amazon and I haven’t quite decided if I’m keeping the site as is or if I’ll change it, but that’s about the only small delays I can foresee…

Most of all, I’m glad to finally have this out in the open so I can start 2023 as myself!

If you got this far, thank you for taking the time to read this. If you want to find out more about Trans people in general, check out this website, or feel free to ask me!





Some pretty big changes are coming this week that are going to shuffle things around quite a bit, be ready to update your bookmarks… and maybe some assumptions! It’s something that’s been a long time coming and I’m very excited to finally be able to share it!

writing status


While my current focus is chiefly The Uncertain War, I’m happy to say I’ve also completed the basic outline for The Commodore’s Gold, the third installment of the Ascalon Circle series. I’m not quite sure when I’ll start on the first draft, but that’s neat. Also defined a few of the planes that will make an appearance alongside the titular Commodore…

As things stand right now, I’m looking at a late 2023 release for TCG. (I’m writing the TUW trilogy as a single unit, and I anticipate coordinating everything will take most of my time in 2022).

But hey, progress is progress, right?

end of an era


This weekend, I shut down my historic domain

I first opened this website in August 2003, during an internship at the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg. I was making progress with HTML/CSS and I had grown tired of the limited confines of Geocities-hosted pages… The site started as a System Shock and Deus Ex fan site; it also exposed many elements of what is now The Uncertain War, the main draft of which (currently undergoing heavy rewrites) I wrote during the 2006 or 2007 edition of NaNoWriMo.

I also hosted several sub-sites for a while, ranging from walkthroughs to fan projects, some of which I participated in. From gaming, it evolved into a file repository, then a portfolio of services, from Translations, to Photography, to Desktop Publishing.

It went through many lives, but even when it was occasionally on hold, there was always a plan to bring it back. This is the first time since 2003 that I take it down indefinitely. My focus, as far as websites are concerned, is now firmly on presenting and promoting my books. This is not the only change I have in mind, as this is part of the process I alluded to in my last post; But this is the first, and its symbolic significance to me is pretty deep.

The simplest thing is, was created when I was a different person, and as such it belonged in the past. It is time to close this door now, and look towards the future.

Taking a break (again)


Starting immediately I’m taking a break from all social media (Twitter, FB & IG) indefinitely to take care of myself and focus on my mental health (and the WIP).

I don’t plan on returning any time soon this time so as before, follow this space for news and updates.

TKC release date moved to May 15th


A quick note to inform you all that I have pushed back the release date of “The Kerguelen Cat” two weeks, from May 1st to May 15th, 2021.

This slight delay is caused by certain marketing requirements. Work on the book is still going fine, I’m currently going through the last rounds of edits before being professionally reviewed. After I pass it on to my editor next month, I will be finalizing the paperback cover design, and begin work on the typesetting for both ebook and paperback format. Then, it will be the final checks and proofreading before release, followed by the elaboration of the Ascalon companion booklet.

Taking a break


Announcement: Building healthier habits is one of my 2021 intentions. As a result, starting immediately I’ll be taking a break from all social media (Twitter, FB & IG) for the next thirty days, to take care of myself and better focus on the new job and the edits.

Follow this space for news and updates!

from 2020 to 2021


It feels funny to be talking about plans for 2021 after the chaos that was 2020, but to be honest things are looking great.

The 2020 retrospective

1. Well, the obvious big news of 2020 was undoubtedly the release of “The Dragon Run”! I’m very happy that I was finally able to finish, edit and deliver this on time for the release date that I had set, and I’m looking forward to the next one! Speaking of which…

2. The first draft of “The Kerguelen Cat” is DONE.

3. The pandemic lockdown caused a certain number of things to be delayed, chief among them the boat project, of course. However, I have good hopes of putting it back on track soon, because..

4. I got a new job! The offer came just before the Christmas break and I will be starting in January. I won’t go into specifics here, but the details will be in my LinkedIn bio when that happens if anyone’s interested in checking it out.

And coming in 2021…

1. Well, the new job is an awesome opportunity so I’ll definitely be looking forward to that.

2. “The Kerguelen Cat” is scheduled to come out on May 1st. I will be starting the editing process when I’m back from the holiday break, and it will then go to my editor in February. While it’s there, I’ll finalize the design of the cover, before putting the final touches.

3. The next WIP will not be an Ascalon Circle book! I will be working on the rewrites, edits and completion of my science fiction epic “The Uncertain War”, a work that’s been in progress since 1994 in various forms. It started off as a time travel thing inspired by Jurassic Park, and evolved into something completely different. If anything I’ve done so far can be called a magnum opus, it’s this bad boy. I don’t have a release date yet, but I’m aiming roughly at a rolling 2022 release schedule for the three volumes. Yeah, it’s a big one!

4. I will also order and supervise the translation of TDR to French for a release in Q4 2021.

5. Lastly, conditional on favorable post-covid conditions… I will finally get my hands on my dream boat, if it’s still waiting for me where I left it last March.

I might have other news, but these are things I’m not ready to share on this platform quite yet.

I feel fortunate and grateful that 2020 was not a bad for me as it was for others, and I realize how privileged I am to be able to say this, and that 2021 is looking brighter as the last days of the year pass by us. I am also grateful to everyone who bought my book or downloaded some of my free material, your support means a lot. A heartfelt thank you to all of you! I wish everyone a happy new year celebration, and a magnificent 2021!

The future is ours to take!